Month: November 2016

Weave Free

After going to the gym back to back and having my weave in for 4 weeks it was most definitely time to take it out and let my natural hair breathe. I love the feeling of taking my hair out and massaging my scalp! It’s literally a mouth watering experience 😂🙈
Right after I took it out it was pretty late and I had work the next morning so I gave it a good 2 shampoo washes, followed by conditioner. I then sectioned my hair in 4 parts and combed out the dead hair that had built up whilst wearing my weave. 

I then proceeded to applying Cantu Shea Butter leave-in conditioner, Argan oil hydrating hair mask and coconut oil. 

I can definitely see the growth in my hair now but I must admit I’m guilty of not dedicating weekly TLC to my hair. I need to get back to deep hair treatments and hair massages… perhaps that will increase healthy growth.

Oversized Distressed T’s 

I’m really loving vintage looking tie-dye distressed T’s that’s recently become popular. It’s usually featuring legendary rock bands or rap artist. I purchased my Def Leppard from my good friends clothing boutique ShopTwoThree 
They have a variety of limited addition bespoke Tshirts. Perfect to wear with jeans or some knee length boots. As I’m 5’11 this T’shirt came up pretty short on me so I would definitely wear it with a pair of jeans xo