curly girl

Curly Sue

I decided to use flexirods again but I tried a different method this time. My hair was already straightened so instead of wetting it like I’ve done in the past, I literally just applied some curl pudding onto my dry hair and wrapped it around the rods.

This is by far the best my hair has turned out so I will definitely be using this method again!

The discovery of Flexi-Rods

Since taking out my weave over a week ago I decided to stop being lazy and try out some different styles. I dug out my beauty box and found my forgotten flexi-rods. It’s super easy to do the only challenging part is when it’s time for bed. Sleeping on a head full of rods is uncomfortable to say the least. The first time I tried this out was on wet hair so when I woke up the next day for work thinking my hair would be dry and full of bounce it was the complete opposite- wet and full of frizz. 

I decided to try it out again but this time on dry hair and it was a success! The only error was that although my hair was curly, due to lack of hair products some of my curls ends were frizzy. 

I decided to start over as I wanted to master the “art” of rod setting so later that day I tried it out again and it was a success! Everyday I see beautiful bouncy big set of curls on instagram and always thought that my hair could not look like that but I’ve found the “key to success” 

Flexi- rods are a perfect way to have bouncy curls with minimal shrinkage. It works well for me as it allow me to not have to leave my house with wet hair in the winter months. 

If you haven’t tried it yet, get you some rods ladies!!! Xox

Weave Free

After going to the gym back to back and having my weave in for 4 weeks it was most definitely time to take it out and let my natural hair breathe. I love the feeling of taking my hair out and massaging my scalp! It’s literally a mouth watering experience 😂🙈
Right after I took it out it was pretty late and I had work the next morning so I gave it a good 2 shampoo washes, followed by conditioner. I then sectioned my hair in 4 parts and combed out the dead hair that had built up whilst wearing my weave. 

I then proceeded to applying Cantu Shea Butter leave-in conditioner, Argan oil hydrating hair mask and coconut oil. 

I can definitely see the growth in my hair now but I must admit I’m guilty of not dedicating weekly TLC to my hair. I need to get back to deep hair treatments and hair massages… perhaps that will increase healthy growth.